


Protein Powder Guide

Crazy Muscle#


Under the premise of having no health issues, natural food protein (meeting the daily requirement) is better than any supplement, and this theory has not been overturned to this day.

I believe that if you clicked on this, you are definitely seeking scientific methods of dieting. According to your own standards, you can reasonably meet your daily protein requirement without any problems. If you have any kidney or liver issues, please do not blindly take supplements.

If you want to add additional supplements to your diet, please consider your own situation.

  • Have an understanding of your current body indicators (roughly)
  • Understand your current daily intake and exercise level (caloric surplus situation)
  • It is best to consult with a relevant doctor (not your "all-in-one" coach for nutrition, diet, and exercise) to determine whether you should take supplements, what to take, and how much to take.
  • Safe supplements!
  • Finally, understand what your goal is, and then look back.


Muscle protein is composed of 20 amino acids - 9 essential amino acids and 11 non-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body and need to be obtained from the diet. Three of the nine essential amino acids are called Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) (leucine, isoleucine, and valine).

BCAAs only contain three of the essential amino acids and lack the other six. Taking them has little significance.

The other six can be obtained by breaking down muscles, so if you take BCAAs to build muscles, but then have to break down muscles to synthesize the essential amino acids, what is the point?

Promoting the separate use of BCAAs is basically a tax on intelligence.


  1. Whey Protein (WP): Extracted from milk, based on purity and absorption speed, whey can be further divided into whey concentrate, whey isolate, and hydrolyzed whey isolate.
  2. Casein: Extracted from milk, it has a slower absorption speed. It is generally recommended to take it before bed, as it has enough time to slowly release.
  3. Beef Protein: Extracted from beef collagen protein (gelatin), suitable for people allergic to milk protein.
  4. Soy Protein: Extracted from leguminous plants, suitable for vegetarians.
  5. Blend Protein: A mixture of multiple protein sources.

Here is the recommendation from the American NSCA (not updated, unknown year, do not take it as a reference, for reference only):

  • Average Adults: 0.8-1.0 g/kg
  • Endurance Athletes: 1.0-1.6 g/kg
  • Strength Athletes: 1.4-1.7 g/kg
  • Athletes on a reduced-calorie diet: 1.8-2.7 g/kg

Generally speaking, whey protein and casein are sufficient for ordinary people.

What is the difference between whey protein concentrate and isolate? There is not much difference in nutritional composition between the two, but whey protein isolate has lower lactose content, slightly less carbohydrates and fat per serving. When buying, pay more attention to the taste, after all, it's not just about drinking one cup, but about finishing a bag or a tub.

Additionally, there is clear whey isolate protein, which does not have any strange flavors, just a regular fruit juice taste.

When it comes to muscle gain through exercise, it is important to have a caloric surplus. If the body is in a negative calorie balance state, the muscles will be in a breakdown state (if you want to lose weight and shape your body, control your diet and exercise, instead of relying solely on supplements). To put it more dramatically, a person needs to eat about one kilogram of beef to meet the muscle gain standard requirement.

Calories are a unit of energy widely used in nutrition measurement and fitness manuals.

Whey protein is generally consumed within 30-40 minutes after exercise (for ordinary people: why would you drink it if you don't exercise?). Don't expect miraculous effects by drinking it several times a day.

Taking whey protein can cause acne growth and bloating (less likely with isolate)...


When buying any imported supplements, remember to search for discounts or coupons. In China, pay attention to food safety, as unscrupulous merchants may use soy protein to adulterate meat, falsify calorie labels, etc.

Damn, supplements are really expensive, not to mention protein snacks for fitness, which require imported goods to feel at ease.

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